A brief description of Cosmetic Acupuncture, aka Acufacial treatments, aka 'natural botox'.
Cosmetic Acupuncture provides benefits to the appearance from the inside and out. In a session, we are always addressing what is happening with the whole person, and not just the face. It's a common misconception that we are ONLY treating the face in these treatments, but we are actually using body points as well. In our discussion before each treatment, we will check pulses and look at the patient's tongue to see what is going on internally with their health and choose body points to aid in balancing their bodies and to support relaxation. (we ALL need more of that!)
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a series of treatments that result in a more elastic, brighter, and firmer complexion with fewer wrinkles. It does NOT 'freeze' the face. It targets the visible signs of ageing that most people tend to notice- wrinkles cause by tight muscles, sagging caused by slack muscles,and the loss of skin resiliency/elasticity.
This is done by targeting facial motor points-which are the most electrically excitable areas of each muscle, so that the facial muscle can be brought back to it's 'normal' state. For a muscle that is tight, a normal state would be more relaxed, while the normal state of a sagging muscle would be activated or lifted.
Cosmetic treatments also work on another level. The needles penetrate to the dermis, or second layer of the skin. This causes many reactions- most importantly tiny micro-tears which activate the fibroblasts in the dermis to create new collagen! This is one of the main reasons for a series of treatments -especially when first starting sessions. This and the repeated facial motor point activation. We want to keep stimulating those fibroblasts and the motor points in several treatments (recommended twice a week in the beginning for a total of 12-20 treatments) to kick in the effects. The needles are also going to increase blood and lymph flow in the face- which Botox actually inhibits. Acupuncture has greater long term effects than cosmetic fillers as well. According to Dr. Travall Croom, L.Ac- " filler-type treatments don't work on circulation in the face, and so the face will continue to age at the same rate. As time passes, a client will need a higher dose of filler to achieve the same result. By increasing circulation to the face (fresh Qi and Blood as we say), we work on the cause of facial aging- not just the symptoms.
The end result is 100% You- only better. Patients look better AND feel better!
Cosmetic Acupuncture provides benefits to the appearance from the inside and out. In a session, we are always addressing what is happening with the whole person, and not just the face. It's a common misconception that we are ONLY treating the face in these treatments, but we are actually using body points as well. In our discussion before each treatment, we will check pulses and look at the patient's tongue to see what is going on internally with their health and choose body points to aid in balancing their bodies and to support relaxation. (we ALL need more of that!)
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a series of treatments that result in a more elastic, brighter, and firmer complexion with fewer wrinkles. It does NOT 'freeze' the face. It targets the visible signs of ageing that most people tend to notice- wrinkles cause by tight muscles, sagging caused by slack muscles,and the loss of skin resiliency/elasticity.
This is done by targeting facial motor points-which are the most electrically excitable areas of each muscle, so that the facial muscle can be brought back to it's 'normal' state. For a muscle that is tight, a normal state would be more relaxed, while the normal state of a sagging muscle would be activated or lifted.
Cosmetic treatments also work on another level. The needles penetrate to the dermis, or second layer of the skin. This causes many reactions- most importantly tiny micro-tears which activate the fibroblasts in the dermis to create new collagen! This is one of the main reasons for a series of treatments -especially when first starting sessions. This and the repeated facial motor point activation. We want to keep stimulating those fibroblasts and the motor points in several treatments (recommended twice a week in the beginning for a total of 12-20 treatments) to kick in the effects. The needles are also going to increase blood and lymph flow in the face- which Botox actually inhibits. Acupuncture has greater long term effects than cosmetic fillers as well. According to Dr. Travall Croom, L.Ac- " filler-type treatments don't work on circulation in the face, and so the face will continue to age at the same rate. As time passes, a client will need a higher dose of filler to achieve the same result. By increasing circulation to the face (fresh Qi and Blood as we say), we work on the cause of facial aging- not just the symptoms.
The end result is 100% You- only better. Patients look better AND feel better!